Blankets for Seniors
A group met at St. Mark and tied up 16 lap blankets for the Seniors. We will be making more soon.
The quilts will be delivered to Silver Cross Hospital Cancer Center and the Lutheran World Relief. What a way to share love.

Feeding The Homeless
One of the Missions for St. Mark is to serve dinners once a month to the homeless. Our Christian Education Committee served Saturday night at the at the Summit Service Center – which offers acute and post-acute medical care for homeless persons who are too ill or vulnerable to recover from a physical illness or injury on the streets, but do not qualify for further hospitalization, rehabilitation services or nursing home care.

Plant Share
Ester Ingram, chairperson for Missions, did a great job in organizing a successful “Plant Share” that was held April 6th.
Hope to see you all again next year.
Our mission outreach includes but is not limited to:
- Operation Christmas Child – filled shoeboxes for the needy children around the world.
- Lyon’s Club Chicago Ridge – collections of used eye glasses to be refurbished for the needy.
- Ronald McDonald House – Oak Lawn – Collections of pop tabs.
- Care Package Program – This is where we send needed items like Granola Bars, Fruit Bars, Snacks, Feminine Products, Dental Supplies, Shampoo, Deodorant, etc to our Servicemen and women.
Our new chairman is Esther Ingram. Any questions, feel free to call her: 708-822-9265
To find local areas of need, visit the Lutheran Church Charities Web Site.
Samaritan’s Purse
Click this link to go to Samaritan’s Purse web site.
258 Shoe Boxes were sent this year!